Thursday, January 24, 2013

Family Pictures

My sister took Christmas pictures for us this year and I'm finally getting around to putting them up! She did an awesome job capturing Elia and Zeke's personalities! Thanks Caroline!

My little "thinker" 


I like pine-cones!

I think I see an angel!

Zeke and Daddy!

Gotta love the mischievous look in Zeke's eyes! 
Happy kids!
Love my family!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

From the Mouths of Babies!

My daughter is hysterical. She comes up with the cutest most amazing sayings that crack me up! The other night I was reminding her that Jesus is her friend and is always with her. Her response was "Noooo!! He's my Uncle!!" 

So a couple of days ago, I was reading my Bible and Elia was sitting next to me reading one of her books. She started off reminding me: "Jesus is my Friend and my Uncle"...ok baby girl, ok. She continued: "I'm listening to Jesus!" "That's great" I replied. "What's He saying?" Then in a creepy voice she said "I don't love you". Wow, that deceiver starts young! So I went on to explain to her that that was Satan, the evil guy's voice. I told her that Jesus always says "I love you" so, when you hear the evil voice you say "No Satan! Jesus loves me!" She got excited and started repeating that....but she confused Satan's name with Horton (from Dr.Seuss's elephant in "Horton Hears A Who"). So she's saying "No Horton! Jesus loves me!" Then she went on "Elephants are evil! Where does Horton live?" So, trying to give a simple answer I told her that Satan lives in dry places. And with a knowing look she went "He doesn't like the rain!" I'm trying not to crack up as she asks her next question. "Where does Jesus live?" So I tell her how Jesus is always with us, and he lives in our hearts. She cuts in and goes: "And in our faces, and eyes, and foreheads, and hair and hands!" You've got to love that childlike faith! We have been continuing this conversation daily and her understanding is's so great to be able to pour into her and teach her how to recognize our Shepherd's voice.

This week she's been singing "Let it rain, let it heaven and let it rain..." Not sure if that has anything to do with our conversation, but it makes me think of the words of the psalmist in Psalms 8:2. "Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."

Love this girl!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Perfect Fall Day

Today was amazing! I remember years when the ground was already covered in snow in October! I decided that we had to take advantage of the beautiful day. So, I took my kids, along with four others I was babysitting, to the Helen Hazen Wyman park. I definitely felt like a homeschool mom with six kids, ages 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, and 9 months all packed into my van.

We started on the playground, but decided it was definitely warm enough to dip some toes into the river. I've decided "toes wet" definitely means "as wet as you can get" in kid language.

Pants rolled up ready to get in!
Gotta love these kids!
My definition of "toes wet"
Loving the dirt!
And they're drenched!
Definitely a wonderful day at the park!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ricotta Cheese

I never knew that it was possible to make cheese at home. I remember studying the pioneer days and making homemade butter, but making cheese really never crossed my mind. It was probably a year ago I came across a recipe for ricotta cheese but I assumed it would be too difficult to make. I forgot about it until last month when I took Elia to the Lake Metroparks Farm Parks. They has a little session on cheese making and it looked really easy. But again I just forgot about it until last week.

Last week my Aunt Pam came in town from Texas. Every time she comes in town we have a tradition of baking/cooking together. And we literally did that all week! It was a blast! We (along with my younger sisters) made homemade cinnamon chips, marshmallows, truffles, mozzarella cheese, ricotta cheese, manicotti, and stuffed shells.  I think I remembered everything!  It was so fun finally getting around to making cheese. And it was actually super easy!

You only need three ingredients (four including salt). The important thing is making sure the heavy whipping cream is not ultra pasteurized. We checked five stores before finding the correct kind at Marcs.

Whole milk, heavy whipping cream, and lemons
Here is a list of the ingredients you will need:

One Pound Fresh Ricotta Cheese

2 1/2 quarts whole milk
1/4 c less 1 Tbsp heavy whipping cream  (not ultra pasteurized)
5 Tbsp plus 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/8 tsp salt

We used the recipe my aunt found on another blog, so to save myself time, I will just post the link and you can follow the directions she gives! Ricotta Cheese Instructions

This is what it looks like before you strain it.

I didn't get a chance to get the rest of the photos we took, but it was soooo simple! And it tasted amazing!! We stuffed shells and manicotti with the ricotta. (Using this recipe manicotti ). The bonus is that one recipe of the ricotta cheese gives you about a half gallon of whey! I used some for the stock in a split pea soup, and some for the liquid called for in my bread recipe. Overall it was an awesome experience and I will definitely do it again!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Family Time

The last  couple of weeks have been a complete whirlwind! Charles has had almost three weeks off work so we've been enjoying lots of family time! We spent a few days in a cabin at Stony Glen. We spent time hiking, enjoying campfires with family and friends. It was a really great time!

At the waterfalls! 

Elia loves throwing rocks in the water!

Zeke kept putting stick and stones in his mouth!

Ready for a campfire!

Love my babe!
After spending the first half of the week camping, we left Elia with my family and were able to go to Danny Silk's "Loving Your Kids On Purpose" conference. Danny does an awesome job of communicating deep kingdom truths and giving practical ways of applying them in your home...all the while cracking you up!

He talked a lot about making heart to heart connections with your kids, and keeping your "love on" towards them. So often we freak out because we are afraid of their sin and mistakes and we try to control them to keep them from making mistakes. But he showed us how Father God's perfect love causes fear to be driven away. And in the same way, as we keep our love on toward our kids and don't react in fear when the mess up we empower them to clean up their messes  and manage themselves. So often we think we can control the people we love, when in fact the only one we can control is "me".

Danny gave some awesome tips...I've started using this one with Elia: Instead of begging your child to do something, you tell them what YOU are going to do. That's right! We can't control what they do but we can control what we are going to do! Let me give an example! Have you ever tried MAKING your toddler go to the bathroom? You know, they're potty trained, but too distracted to want to sit and just go! Elia will start the potty dance but wiggle herself right off the toilet insisting she doesn't have to go! I have had very little luck  making it come out! Sooooo I decided to try Danny's little tip. I told Elia that I was going to stay there with her until she went to the bathroom...guess what! It worked! Another time she wanted a book read to her but again wouldn't sit there and use the bathroom. So instead of arguing with her about it I told her that I would read her the book as soon as she went to the bathroom. And you know what! She did it! She's brilliant! Kids get it! They realize that they can control themselves...and as we as parents learn to control ourselves too, the power struggles really do lessen!

The rest of our vacation time has really flown by. We've ended it with a family trip to Amish Country, and a fun day on the west side with my grandparents!

Elia at Chuck E. Cheese's with her Mimi
I'm so thankful for all of my family...from our own little family to each extended family member and for our friends that have become family too!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life Is In The Power Of The Tongue

A couple of years ago I read a book called "Victorious Mindsets" by Steve Buckland. It is an awesome book and I would highly recommend reading it. In it he writes " Life is in the power of the tongue. Jesus did not just think His way out of the wilderness and neither can you. He spoke truth to invisible forces and to the mindsets that sought to restrict and defeat Him." In his book he encourages you to speak truth over your align yourself with the truth of God and declare it over every aspect of your life.

It really is amazing how life changing that has been for me. There are so many voices all around us...negative and discouraging voices that seek to destroy us and tear us down. I've realized how important it is to saturate myself and my family with the truth of God. I am also realizing the importance of teaching my kids to declare God's truth over their lives. In a society where the enemy has sought to distort the true meaning of beauty, I want my daughter to be confident in her beauty and in all that God has created her to we have started declaring God's truth over our lives. In the morning we make these declarations over our lives.







Watch your mountains become mole hills and your giants become grasshoppers as you align yourself with God's truth! Greater is the One who is in us than he who is in the world!! We are more than conquerors through HIM who loved us!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Library Time!

There are a few places that give me headaches...well, maybe not real headaches, but my body feels like it has one. It's funny tho, it's not the crazy loud's stores like Lowe's, Home Depot, Staples, and Office Max. There's something about those places that just make me feel tense and tired and all I can do is yawn. I don't think I have ever gone to those places on my own...I will take a trip to Home Depot with my Dad or Charles but it's only because I want to be with them.

The library is another one of those places. I really don't know why. I remember my sister was so excited when she could get her own library card. I on the other hand, completely refused and said I would never get my own. I would use my mom's, and after getting married I used Charles'. About a year ago I finally broke down and got my own, but only because I was tired of paying fines on Charles' card haha. 

This summer Elia started going to story hour with my mom, and she absolutely LOVED it! It was the highlight of her week. The library is now one of her favorite places to go...and I'm starting not to mind it so much anymore. :) Last week we walked down to the farmers market in Painesville and then on to the library. It was great exercise and a fun time for all of us! Even the little guy!