My daughter is hysterical. She comes up with the cutest most amazing sayings that crack me up! The other night I was reminding her that Jesus is her friend and is always with her. Her response was "Noooo!! He's my Uncle!!"
So a couple of days ago, I was reading my Bible and Elia was sitting next to me reading one of her books. She started off reminding me: "Jesus is my Friend and my Uncle"...ok baby girl, ok. She continued: "I'm listening to Jesus!" "That's great" I replied. "What's He saying?" Then in a creepy voice she said "I don't love you". Wow, that deceiver starts young! So I went on to explain to her that that was Satan, the evil guy's voice. I told her that Jesus always says "I love you" so, when you hear the evil voice you say "No Satan! Jesus loves me!" She got excited and started repeating that....but she confused Satan's name with Horton (from Dr.Seuss's elephant in "Horton Hears A Who"). So she's saying "No Horton! Jesus loves me!" Then she went on "Elephants are evil! Where does Horton live?" So, trying to give a simple answer I told her that Satan lives in dry places. And with a knowing look she went "He doesn't like the rain!" I'm trying not to crack up as she asks her next question. "Where does Jesus live?" So I tell her how Jesus is always with us, and he lives in our hearts. She cuts in and goes: "And in our faces, and eyes, and foreheads, and hair and hands!" You've got to love that childlike faith! We have been continuing this conversation daily and her understanding is's so great to be able to pour into her and teach her how to recognize our Shepherd's voice.
This week she's been singing "Let it rain, let it heaven and let it rain..." Not sure if that has anything to do with our conversation, but it makes me think of the words of the psalmist in Psalms 8:2. "Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."
Love this girl! |