Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pioneer Women

Little House on the Prarie was one of my favorite series growing up. When we were little my mom would read the books to us before bed. Wednesday mornings were extra special because while my mom would go for her doctor's appointment (which seemed like a weekly occurance...10 kids in 14 years...) we would all snuggle up with my dad and watch the TV show. It all seemed like a fairy tale at that age. I would dream of living in those times. I remember being disapointed that the y2k crisis never came. I had hoped for a chance to live like a pioneer woman.

Every summer now, I get just a taste of what it would feel like to be Caroline Ingalls. This is my third year of gardening, and wow has my admiration for pioneer women soared!!! Thanks to a friend with a tractor we didn't have to rotatill (or should I say, Dad and Charles didn't have to rotatill). So my sisters and I, with the help of Elia began to dig our rows. By the time that was done it was time to feed Zeke. While I was with Zeke, my mom joined the girls and began planting tomatoes -36 plants this year! By the time I was done feeding the little man it was time to plant the bean, zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumber seeds. With so many hands helping, what would have taken one of us a day or two at least, was done in 4 hours!

 I garden because I love fresh green beans and homemade spaghetti sauce. But when I think of the pioneer was garden or die! It wasn't just a little side hobby! Imagine! Wake up, gather eggs, milk cows, start the stove/fire, cook breakfast, get water to clean the dishes...add in there caring for kids, nursing babies...laundry by hand! Plus cooking lunch and dinner from as "scratch" as it gets! Throw in gradening, sewing clothing and blankets, knitting socks ...the list goes on!!

I enjoy my little "pioneer woman" moments, but I must say I am so thankful for washing machines, grocery stores, and indoor plumbing!!

Tomato Plants!
Enjoying the dirt

Many hands make light work!

Screaming Zeke!

Full Belly...Happy Baby!


  1. Amen and well said! It's certainly a place to count our blessings everyday! :)

  2. Love it, Brittany! And I love the pics!

  3. hahahaha........yes, I am very thankful for modern conveniences. I must say that gardening is in my blood. When spring comes my fingers are itching to get in the soil:) I think I am a little over ambitious this year, I have planted close to 70 tomato plants(YIKES!)I too loved the 'Little House on the Praire' books, it made me long for the frontier and untamed land.

  4. Thanks ladies! :) Wow Shari! 70 plants! That's great! Lots of sauce and salsa! :)

  5. You are such a gifted writer!! Love it Britt!:):):):)!!!
    Love G

  6. Good memories in the garden! When you were little, people used to say that you older girls reminded them of "Little House in the Prairie".....maybe it was the jumpers and bonnets!!hahahaha

  7. WOWOWOWOWOWOW!!!!!!!!!!! Funny memories kinda glad I was younger and don't remember much of being totally AMISH!!!

  8. Britt I can't believe you told our family secrtet...that we were amish...JK LOL!!!!
