Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good Bye Baby Tummy!

It has been five months since I had Zeke and I am ready for my "bread-dough tummy" to be gone! I've lost the weight I needed to but any of you who have had babies probably can picture the loose flabby skin! So I was complaining about it to Charles...and he challenged me to start working out. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I really have never like to work out...running, push ups, pull ups, you name it...NOT ME!!! I call it torture! I like to take walks...and of course I'm active with my kids, but that's about the extent of my work out. 

I decided that I would take my hubby's advice and give it a try...he mentioned "A date to the YMCA to work out"! Hahahahahaha sorry....not my idea of a date, maybe someday! Because he enjoys working out I decided that he should feel my pain and give up something he loves: sugar in his coffee...He's such a good sport...he hasn't whined once about his coffee. He just stuck a cinnamon stick in it and was as happy as could be. But I'm a bit of a whiner still. We work out for 10 minutes together each night (this will be day 3) and it's not my idea of fun...but Charles does it with me so that makes it better. I'm teaching him to count faster. Haha. If you count to 30 quickly, it's still 30 seconds, right? tummy goodbye! I am hoping that it will only take a week of working out and then I'll be done. We shall see. I am told it should be a consistent, long term thing. We shall see! :) 

37 weeks with Elia...can't find a good one with Zeke

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Parenting...what works for me!

I know that every mom has their own parenting style. I think it's really important to find what style works for you and your family and go from there!
I am the kinda mom that needs schedule, routine, as well as sleep and some alone time. I have found the controversial  "On Becoming Baby Wise" (by Gary Ezzo) to be a very helpful guide. For those that are not familiar with the book, it helps you to teach your baby a routine...with the goal of your baby sleeping through the night between 6 and 8 weeks old. It's an "eat-wake-sleep" cycle that teaches your baby how to fall asleep on his or her own. It really does work! Both of my kids sleep 12 hours through the night and I know it is directly related to the routine that they learned as newborns.
Zeke has just moved to a 4 hour schedule, which is wonderful because that means both of the kids are down for naps at the same time!  A little bit of alone-quiet-breather time is just amazing! So at this point, Zeke's day looks like this:

8:00 Wake up, eat, play
10:00 Nap
12:00 Wake up, eat, play
2:00 Nap
4:00 Wake up, eat, play
6:00 Catnap for about an hour
8:00 Eat and down for the night

Of course there is room for flexibility...sometimes his morning or afternoon naps are shortened due to the day's activities...but I really enjoy having a semi predictable day! I can plan activities or play dates for the happy time of day...and now that both Zeke and Elia's naps are around the same time I feel like my days have gained an hour or two!

Elia as at about 2 weeks

Zeke at 1 day old

Monday, June 11, 2012

Road Trip!!

We drove up to Buffalo, New York this last week and ended up taking a last minute detour to Niagara Falls. 

We told Elia that we were going to a park to see water falls...funny girl...she was clearly disappointed and kept asking for the water fountain, swings, and slide. Haha

I love the mist that comes up from the gushing falls!

It makes me think of the verse that says "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me." (Ps. 42:7)

When my family visited Niagara Falls thirteen years ago one my siblings made the comment the Niagara Falls are nothing compared the waterfalls at Stony Glen. Although I love my "camp falls" it was awesome to see the powerful Niagara Falls again!! 

And it was fun to have my kids share the experience! I did find a water fountain for Elia :). Hopefully we will be able to make the trip again when she can understand and enjoy the beauty of the falls!

Notice my little Alfalfa hairstyle haha

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Girl

I love my little girl! She brings so much joy and laughter to my life. She'll come up with the funniest sayings... I really should keep a little book so I don't forget the funny things. She has recently realized that my name is Brittany...since I babysit other kids she hears the little ones calling me "Miss Brittany". The other day she came running down our hallway calling "Miss Brittany! Miss Brittany!" And Saturday I was giving her and her buddy Niko some directions...what was the response? Elia: "Yes Brittany! "Niko: "Yes Mom!". Kids are just great! :) 

Elia has also been a refinement tool in my life. It's funny. You think you are a patient and kind person and then you get married! And some of those rough edges are sanded down and then you have kids! Wow! Talk about lessons in patience! I remember telling my sister that I was going to ask God to teach me patience when I had more time...when I realized what I had said we both started laughing. I guess NOW is the time to learn!

And recently I have noticed that God is using Elia to tune me in to his voice and his presence. When Elia wakes up in the morning I like to ask her about her dreams. This last month she had multiple dreams of "heaven and 'Papa Joe'". We have been praying for Elia's 'Papa Joe" for about almost a year. He had been battling cancer of the esophagus and passed away this weekend. It was like God had already told her that he was going to be in a safe place. This Sunday as we were getting ready for church Elia told  me that "Jesus was coming!"...It totally set my heart to expect a powerful encounter with the presence of God....and it was awesome! 

I'll love you forever baby girl!