Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good Bye Baby Tummy!

It has been five months since I had Zeke and I am ready for my "bread-dough tummy" to be gone! I've lost the weight I needed to but any of you who have had babies probably can picture the loose flabby skin! So I was complaining about it to Charles...and he challenged me to start working out. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I really have never like to work out...running, push ups, pull ups, you name it...NOT ME!!! I call it torture! I like to take walks...and of course I'm active with my kids, but that's about the extent of my work out. 

I decided that I would take my hubby's advice and give it a try...he mentioned "A date to the YMCA to work out"! Hahahahahaha sorry....not my idea of a date, maybe someday! Because he enjoys working out I decided that he should feel my pain and give up something he loves: sugar in his coffee...He's such a good sport...he hasn't whined once about his coffee. He just stuck a cinnamon stick in it and was as happy as could be. But I'm a bit of a whiner still. We work out for 10 minutes together each night (this will be day 3) and it's not my idea of fun...but Charles does it with me so that makes it better. I'm teaching him to count faster. Haha. If you count to 30 quickly, it's still 30 seconds, right? tummy goodbye! I am hoping that it will only take a week of working out and then I'll be done. We shall see. I am told it should be a consistent, long term thing. We shall see! :) 

37 weeks with Elia...can't find a good one with Zeke

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