Saturday, August 25, 2012

Row Row Row Your Boat

Growing up I would see my Lapish set of grandparents about twice a year. Usually once in the summer and once around Christmas. I have lots of great memories with them....playing cards, wrestling with Papa, learning some of Grandma's laundry tips...We had lots of fun times! One thing that we always did together was sing "Row Row Row Your Boat". Papa would teach us how to do it in a round...and we would sing it over and over again and never grow tired of it!

Now my kids have their Papa....and he is carrying on the tradition! The other night we went down to the lake and Dad fixed up the row boat and took us for a ride! Elia LOVED it! She could have ridden for hours! She had her first lesson in singing "Row Row Row Your Boat". 

Row boat ride!
Ready to go!
Papa teaching Zeke how to use tools!

                    Love you Dad! You're the best!


  1. Love this!! Such great memories and times together...priceless!

  2. Does Stony Glen have a water-slide something that I see in the background there? I've been away way too long!

  3. Yes! They just put a water slide in this year! It's great! And Nancy, the memories definitely are priceless!
