Wednesday, December 5, 2012

From the Mouths of Babies!

My daughter is hysterical. She comes up with the cutest most amazing sayings that crack me up! The other night I was reminding her that Jesus is her friend and is always with her. Her response was "Noooo!! He's my Uncle!!" 

So a couple of days ago, I was reading my Bible and Elia was sitting next to me reading one of her books. She started off reminding me: "Jesus is my Friend and my Uncle"...ok baby girl, ok. She continued: "I'm listening to Jesus!" "That's great" I replied. "What's He saying?" Then in a creepy voice she said "I don't love you". Wow, that deceiver starts young! So I went on to explain to her that that was Satan, the evil guy's voice. I told her that Jesus always says "I love you" so, when you hear the evil voice you say "No Satan! Jesus loves me!" She got excited and started repeating that....but she confused Satan's name with Horton (from Dr.Seuss's elephant in "Horton Hears A Who"). So she's saying "No Horton! Jesus loves me!" Then she went on "Elephants are evil! Where does Horton live?" So, trying to give a simple answer I told her that Satan lives in dry places. And with a knowing look she went "He doesn't like the rain!" I'm trying not to crack up as she asks her next question. "Where does Jesus live?" So I tell her how Jesus is always with us, and he lives in our hearts. She cuts in and goes: "And in our faces, and eyes, and foreheads, and hair and hands!" You've got to love that childlike faith! We have been continuing this conversation daily and her understanding is's so great to be able to pour into her and teach her how to recognize our Shepherd's voice.

This week she's been singing "Let it rain, let it heaven and let it rain..." Not sure if that has anything to do with our conversation, but it makes me think of the words of the psalmist in Psalms 8:2. "Through the praise of children and infants you have established a stronghold against your enemies, to silence the foe and the avenger."

Love this girl!

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Perfect Fall Day

Today was amazing! I remember years when the ground was already covered in snow in October! I decided that we had to take advantage of the beautiful day. So, I took my kids, along with four others I was babysitting, to the Helen Hazen Wyman park. I definitely felt like a homeschool mom with six kids, ages 10, 8, 5, 3, 2, and 9 months all packed into my van.

We started on the playground, but decided it was definitely warm enough to dip some toes into the river. I've decided "toes wet" definitely means "as wet as you can get" in kid language.

Pants rolled up ready to get in!
Gotta love these kids!
My definition of "toes wet"
Loving the dirt!
And they're drenched!
Definitely a wonderful day at the park!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Ricotta Cheese

I never knew that it was possible to make cheese at home. I remember studying the pioneer days and making homemade butter, but making cheese really never crossed my mind. It was probably a year ago I came across a recipe for ricotta cheese but I assumed it would be too difficult to make. I forgot about it until last month when I took Elia to the Lake Metroparks Farm Parks. They has a little session on cheese making and it looked really easy. But again I just forgot about it until last week.

Last week my Aunt Pam came in town from Texas. Every time she comes in town we have a tradition of baking/cooking together. And we literally did that all week! It was a blast! We (along with my younger sisters) made homemade cinnamon chips, marshmallows, truffles, mozzarella cheese, ricotta cheese, manicotti, and stuffed shells.  I think I remembered everything!  It was so fun finally getting around to making cheese. And it was actually super easy!

You only need three ingredients (four including salt). The important thing is making sure the heavy whipping cream is not ultra pasteurized. We checked five stores before finding the correct kind at Marcs.

Whole milk, heavy whipping cream, and lemons
Here is a list of the ingredients you will need:

One Pound Fresh Ricotta Cheese

2 1/2 quarts whole milk
1/4 c less 1 Tbsp heavy whipping cream  (not ultra pasteurized)
5 Tbsp plus 1 tsp fresh lemon juice
1/8 tsp salt

We used the recipe my aunt found on another blog, so to save myself time, I will just post the link and you can follow the directions she gives! Ricotta Cheese Instructions

This is what it looks like before you strain it.

I didn't get a chance to get the rest of the photos we took, but it was soooo simple! And it tasted amazing!! We stuffed shells and manicotti with the ricotta. (Using this recipe manicotti ). The bonus is that one recipe of the ricotta cheese gives you about a half gallon of whey! I used some for the stock in a split pea soup, and some for the liquid called for in my bread recipe. Overall it was an awesome experience and I will definitely do it again!!

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Family Time

The last  couple of weeks have been a complete whirlwind! Charles has had almost three weeks off work so we've been enjoying lots of family time! We spent a few days in a cabin at Stony Glen. We spent time hiking, enjoying campfires with family and friends. It was a really great time!

At the waterfalls! 

Elia loves throwing rocks in the water!

Zeke kept putting stick and stones in his mouth!

Ready for a campfire!

Love my babe!
After spending the first half of the week camping, we left Elia with my family and were able to go to Danny Silk's "Loving Your Kids On Purpose" conference. Danny does an awesome job of communicating deep kingdom truths and giving practical ways of applying them in your home...all the while cracking you up!

He talked a lot about making heart to heart connections with your kids, and keeping your "love on" towards them. So often we freak out because we are afraid of their sin and mistakes and we try to control them to keep them from making mistakes. But he showed us how Father God's perfect love causes fear to be driven away. And in the same way, as we keep our love on toward our kids and don't react in fear when the mess up we empower them to clean up their messes  and manage themselves. So often we think we can control the people we love, when in fact the only one we can control is "me".

Danny gave some awesome tips...I've started using this one with Elia: Instead of begging your child to do something, you tell them what YOU are going to do. That's right! We can't control what they do but we can control what we are going to do! Let me give an example! Have you ever tried MAKING your toddler go to the bathroom? You know, they're potty trained, but too distracted to want to sit and just go! Elia will start the potty dance but wiggle herself right off the toilet insisting she doesn't have to go! I have had very little luck  making it come out! Sooooo I decided to try Danny's little tip. I told Elia that I was going to stay there with her until she went to the bathroom...guess what! It worked! Another time she wanted a book read to her but again wouldn't sit there and use the bathroom. So instead of arguing with her about it I told her that I would read her the book as soon as she went to the bathroom. And you know what! She did it! She's brilliant! Kids get it! They realize that they can control themselves...and as we as parents learn to control ourselves too, the power struggles really do lessen!

The rest of our vacation time has really flown by. We've ended it with a family trip to Amish Country, and a fun day on the west side with my grandparents!

Elia at Chuck E. Cheese's with her Mimi
I'm so thankful for all of my family...from our own little family to each extended family member and for our friends that have become family too!!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Life Is In The Power Of The Tongue

A couple of years ago I read a book called "Victorious Mindsets" by Steve Buckland. It is an awesome book and I would highly recommend reading it. In it he writes " Life is in the power of the tongue. Jesus did not just think His way out of the wilderness and neither can you. He spoke truth to invisible forces and to the mindsets that sought to restrict and defeat Him." In his book he encourages you to speak truth over your align yourself with the truth of God and declare it over every aspect of your life.

It really is amazing how life changing that has been for me. There are so many voices all around us...negative and discouraging voices that seek to destroy us and tear us down. I've realized how important it is to saturate myself and my family with the truth of God. I am also realizing the importance of teaching my kids to declare God's truth over their lives. In a society where the enemy has sought to distort the true meaning of beauty, I want my daughter to be confident in her beauty and in all that God has created her to we have started declaring God's truth over our lives. In the morning we make these declarations over our lives.







Watch your mountains become mole hills and your giants become grasshoppers as you align yourself with God's truth! Greater is the One who is in us than he who is in the world!! We are more than conquerors through HIM who loved us!!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Library Time!

There are a few places that give me headaches...well, maybe not real headaches, but my body feels like it has one. It's funny tho, it's not the crazy loud's stores like Lowe's, Home Depot, Staples, and Office Max. There's something about those places that just make me feel tense and tired and all I can do is yawn. I don't think I have ever gone to those places on my own...I will take a trip to Home Depot with my Dad or Charles but it's only because I want to be with them.

The library is another one of those places. I really don't know why. I remember my sister was so excited when she could get her own library card. I on the other hand, completely refused and said I would never get my own. I would use my mom's, and after getting married I used Charles'. About a year ago I finally broke down and got my own, but only because I was tired of paying fines on Charles' card haha. 

This summer Elia started going to story hour with my mom, and she absolutely LOVED it! It was the highlight of her week. The library is now one of her favorite places to go...and I'm starting not to mind it so much anymore. :) Last week we walked down to the farmers market in Painesville and then on to the library. It was great exercise and a fun time for all of us! Even the little guy! 

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Row Row Row Your Boat

Growing up I would see my Lapish set of grandparents about twice a year. Usually once in the summer and once around Christmas. I have lots of great memories with them....playing cards, wrestling with Papa, learning some of Grandma's laundry tips...We had lots of fun times! One thing that we always did together was sing "Row Row Row Your Boat". Papa would teach us how to do it in a round...and we would sing it over and over again and never grow tired of it!

Now my kids have their Papa....and he is carrying on the tradition! The other night we went down to the lake and Dad fixed up the row boat and took us for a ride! Elia LOVED it! She could have ridden for hours! She had her first lesson in singing "Row Row Row Your Boat". 

Row boat ride!
Ready to go!
Papa teaching Zeke how to use tools!

                    Love you Dad! You're the best!

Monday, August 20, 2012

Hike To The Waterfalls!

My sisters decided to take a hike down to the "big falls" at camp today, so I decided to go with them...and of course the kiddos were with me! -I've taken Elia down to the smaller set of falls many times. (I actually hiked down there full term with Elia, trying to get labor moving!) But this was our first time all the way down. Thankfully "Aunt Livvies" was with us...Elia rode down like a monkey on her back while I carried Zeke. We weren't really we ended up hiking barefoot. We made it down with no problems at all! It was lots of fun until it was time to head back...and Elia decided she did not want to leave. After dealing with her little fit we made our way up! I definitely was huffing and puffing! But it was fun making memories with my kids and sisters!

"I want to stay in the waterfalls!"

Happy Memory!

Monday, August 13, 2012


This week I have been contemplating beauty. I married into a family of artists! I love it! I have learned to appreciate art in its various forms...and not only the art itself but also the emotion, thought, and concepts behind it all.

Growing up I always had fun "doing art". Some of my earliest memories are doing art with "Aunt Lulu"...and  during my elementary years we had art class with Mrs. Walker. There were some that we all viewed as true artists, some that were average, and some that would sometimes come to tears in frustration. It's funny how those of us in the latter two groups began to say and believe that we just weren't artists.

A year and a half ago I went through a prophetic art class with a couple of friends. It was sooo freeing! We began to see that we were artists...that we had beauty to unveil. As we would enter into God's presence he would reveal His heart and we were able to release His heart through our art. It began to take on a much deeper meaning for me. I started to realize that no one express beauty like I can. We each have our own unique beauty to reveal...not only to God but also to the world around us. And in reality as we reveal beauty we are revealing the heart and nature of God to the world, as he is the true essence of beauty.

My sister-in-law Rebekah came over last week to help me with some paintings for the kids' room. She was sharing that it has been proven that when artists move into a really bad areas, region begins to change...if you think about it, it makes a lot of really does bring transformation...when God released His beauty into that which was "void and without form"...He created the earth and all the beauty it contains! What a challenge to not avoid or run from what appears to be dark and messy, but to instead release the beauty of heaven that we contain, and see the transformation it brings!
Elia's little art studio!

Wednesday, August 8, 2012


I have always been a morning person! I remember when I was younger I would set my alarm for 4:45 am so I could get a head start on the day and get as much of my school done as early as I could. When I lived in Cambodia that was my favorite time of the day too! It was still relatively cool...I would get on my little "moto" drive up the road and get my iced coffee and breakfast (which consisted of grilled pork, rice, and an addicting little sauce that went over it all). There's just something romantic about starting the day out right.

It's funny how having kids has changed my romantic view of early mornings. They have in recent months become the dread of my day. The last couple of weeks tho, have been different. Let me explain.

I love my kids! They are soooo different, but both soooo amazing! Zeke is my laid back, handsome, happy, easy going little man. He fusses when he's hunger or tired and that's about it.

My little mellow cello 

 Elia on the other hand is quite the bundle of beauty and intensity! I wouldn't change her personality for the world! But with her awesome intensity comes the challenge of channeling all that comes with it. 

My fearless little lady climbed to the very top of the playground!

Last week was an especially challenging of those where you feel like your biggest giant in the world is a 2 year old. During this same week, God had really been stirring up a deeper hunger and desperation for him. It's interesting how what appeared to be my biggest giant was in reality my biggest ally...causing me to run to the Source of all strength. So in spite of exhausting days training and caring for my kids, my hunger grew deeper...and the more I ran to Jesus the more I wanted to run to him. The more he began to fill my hunger the hungrier I became for him.

Before it was a chore to get up and pump (oh the joys of breastfeeding) and try to fit in a quiet time or more sleep before hearing the whines from the kids bedroom ...It felt as if I had no choice as to how my morning started. Where now, I am getting up earlier...getting less sleep...but I feel so free! I am choosing to wake up early! And I love it! My mornings are romantic again! I get up, get my coffee, light my little candle and spend time with the Lover of my Soul. All it really took to set the tone for me was having the freedom to choose to wake up early...and now I love my mornings again (not to mention the One I'm spending time with is irresistible!).

This little "revelation" all came to me through parenting. During the some of the most difficult days with Elia I watched a couple of video clips (Check them out! Q&A with Brittney Danny Silk, Loving Your Kids On Purpose) They, along with Danny Silk's book "Loving Your Kids On Purpose", really focus on giving your kids freedom to make good choices. Instead of controlling them by telling them what to do and not to do, you offer them good choices...enabling them to choose their own freedom. This has brought a huge breakthrough with Elia. She is not only learning to make good choices, but she is learning how her choices affect me, Charles, and Zeke. As we both grow in this, she will feel less controlled and "made to be good", and enjoy freedom by making choices and learning to clean up the messes that she does make.

Isn't it funny how the freedom to choose can change everything? God is so safe and such a good example in this. He gives us freedom to choose...and he isn't afraid of our messes...He empowers and enables us. He is such a good Father!!

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Homemade Spaghetti Sauce

 We made our first batch of homemade spaghetti sauce today! We picked a half of a bushel of tomatoes and a handful of jalapeños from the garden (as well as baskets of zucchini and yellow squash) and began the process! Here's what you need!

1/2 bushel tomatoes (2 gallons blended tomatoes)
6 cloves garlic
3 lbs onions
4 green peppers
medium to hot peppers to taste

You just blend all of these ingredients in a blender (in batches of course!). And cook it down for about 2 hours until it thickens.

This is what all of the puree looks like before you cook it down!

Then you add the following:
1 1/2 c. olive oil
3-4 cans(12 oz) tomato paste
2 Tbsp. oregano
2 Tbsp. basil
3/4 c. sugar
1/4 c. salt

Then you cook it down another 1-2 hours until it reaches the consistency you like. You can freeze or can it. -It makes about 2 gallons of sauce. 

Super delicious sauce ready to be devoured! 
The sauce is amazing just over pasta, or you can cook up some meat and make it a meat sauce. One of my favorite ways to use it is for pizza sauce. I use whole wheat bread dough, this sauce, and mozzarella cheese. Then I saute broccoli, mushrooms, and spinach and sprinkle that on. And to top it of, chunk up some cream cheese and layer that on as well. It is amazing! If you like more protein, chicken is great on it too!

Hope you enjoy this recipe as much as I do!

Friday, July 27, 2012

Chocolate Peanut Butter Banana "Ice Cream"

I have been wanting to get on and blog again for awhile, but it seems I rarely have a computer, internet access, and camera all at the same time. If I keep waiting for that to happen it may be quite sometime before I write again. I love pictures...but unfortunately I am not a mom that takes constant pictures. My kids will be well documented thanks to their many aunts and uncles. I call my sister Caroline my personal photographer. Most of the really good photos I've posted are her work...the other ones are just uploaded from my phone. Someday...when kids, diapers, and housework don't take up most of my time and energy I hope to enjoy taking and editing photos!

I wanted to share an amazing healthy summer dessert! (I can't write this without admitting I am at Panera eating a brownie. There is a time and season for every activity under heaven, right?!) All you need to make this ice cream like dessert is cocoa powder, peanut butter, and bananas.

 My sister-in-law gave me this idea so I came up with my own measurements. You can play with if you like more or less of one of the flavors. This is what I did!

2 bananas, sliced and frozen
2 Tbsp. cocoa powder
3 Tbsp natural peanut butter

You just stick it in the blender until it is smooth and creamy and viola! You have a healthy chocolate peanut butter and banana ice cream! If you like it a little sweeter use RIPENED bananas or for a mellower flavor use bananas that are just ripe.

I hope you enjoy this little treat as much as I do!

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Zucchini Season!

And the invasion of the zucchini has begun!! I'm so excited! It's always fun when my shopping cart doesn't need to be filled with veggies because my garden is filling my fridge instead. But anyone who has harvested zucchini knows that they seem to multiply! It really can be a challenge to keep up with it, but it's adventure at the same time. I never knew that you could do more with zucchini than fry it up or make bread with it. But over the last few summers I've found some yuuummy ways to use it!

Some people would probably be appalled at the some of the things Elia eats. But it's such a good feeling knowing that your child is getting good nutritious food...even if it sounds strange. Last summer I shredded up zucchini and yellow squash and would put it in her oatmeal. With the cinnamon in it she didn't even notice! I've shredded it up in chili and again...extra nutrition and you couldn't even tell! It hides well in scrambled eggs too! I found a recipe for zucchini cobbler and it tasted like apple. Who knew?! This week's menu includes Veggie Lasagna, Zucchini Pancakes, (with a dab of sour cream or Greek yogurt they're just amazing!) and last but not least, Zucchini Bread!

I decided to include some photos as well as the recipe of my zucchini bread recipe. I'll add in my adaptions for a healthy version too! 

Sour Cream Zucchini Bread

3 c. flour (I use whole wheat)
3 eggs
2 c. sugar (I cut it in half and use only 1 c.)
1 c. oil (I do 1/2 c. oil and 1/2 c. applesause)
1 tsp. vanilla
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. salt
1 tsp. baking soda
1/4 tsp. baking powder
1/2 c. sour cream (I've used plain yogurt instead)
2 c. grated zucchini
1 c. nuts or raisins (optional)

Grease and flour 2 loaf pans. Beat the eggs and add all of the ingredients  to the flour. Pour into the loaf pans  and bake at 350 for 1 hour. (You can do them in muffin tins and cut back the bake time to 18 minutes.)

Shredding the zucchini

the batter

in the oven
ready to eat!


Friday, July 6, 2012

little growing man!

My little buddy is growing so fast! He's in the 95th percentile for his height and 50th for his weight! He just loves to eat! Right now he prefers his solids to his bottle...he still drinks his milk but he scarfs down his "real man food"!

Don't you love the mischievous look in his eyes! 

Little Man eating his beets!
                                                              Love you little Zekester!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Good Bye Baby Tummy!

It has been five months since I had Zeke and I am ready for my "bread-dough tummy" to be gone! I've lost the weight I needed to but any of you who have had babies probably can picture the loose flabby skin! So I was complaining about it to Charles...and he challenged me to start working out. Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! I really have never like to work out...running, push ups, pull ups, you name it...NOT ME!!! I call it torture! I like to take walks...and of course I'm active with my kids, but that's about the extent of my work out. 

I decided that I would take my hubby's advice and give it a try...he mentioned "A date to the YMCA to work out"! Hahahahahaha sorry....not my idea of a date, maybe someday! Because he enjoys working out I decided that he should feel my pain and give up something he loves: sugar in his coffee...He's such a good sport...he hasn't whined once about his coffee. He just stuck a cinnamon stick in it and was as happy as could be. But I'm a bit of a whiner still. We work out for 10 minutes together each night (this will be day 3) and it's not my idea of fun...but Charles does it with me so that makes it better. I'm teaching him to count faster. Haha. If you count to 30 quickly, it's still 30 seconds, right? tummy goodbye! I am hoping that it will only take a week of working out and then I'll be done. We shall see. I am told it should be a consistent, long term thing. We shall see! :) 

37 weeks with Elia...can't find a good one with Zeke

Thursday, June 14, 2012

Parenting...what works for me!

I know that every mom has their own parenting style. I think it's really important to find what style works for you and your family and go from there!
I am the kinda mom that needs schedule, routine, as well as sleep and some alone time. I have found the controversial  "On Becoming Baby Wise" (by Gary Ezzo) to be a very helpful guide. For those that are not familiar with the book, it helps you to teach your baby a routine...with the goal of your baby sleeping through the night between 6 and 8 weeks old. It's an "eat-wake-sleep" cycle that teaches your baby how to fall asleep on his or her own. It really does work! Both of my kids sleep 12 hours through the night and I know it is directly related to the routine that they learned as newborns.
Zeke has just moved to a 4 hour schedule, which is wonderful because that means both of the kids are down for naps at the same time!  A little bit of alone-quiet-breather time is just amazing! So at this point, Zeke's day looks like this:

8:00 Wake up, eat, play
10:00 Nap
12:00 Wake up, eat, play
2:00 Nap
4:00 Wake up, eat, play
6:00 Catnap for about an hour
8:00 Eat and down for the night

Of course there is room for flexibility...sometimes his morning or afternoon naps are shortened due to the day's activities...but I really enjoy having a semi predictable day! I can plan activities or play dates for the happy time of day...and now that both Zeke and Elia's naps are around the same time I feel like my days have gained an hour or two!

Elia as at about 2 weeks

Zeke at 1 day old

Monday, June 11, 2012

Road Trip!!

We drove up to Buffalo, New York this last week and ended up taking a last minute detour to Niagara Falls. 

We told Elia that we were going to a park to see water falls...funny girl...she was clearly disappointed and kept asking for the water fountain, swings, and slide. Haha

I love the mist that comes up from the gushing falls!

It makes me think of the verse that says "Deep calls to deep in the roar of your waterfalls; all your waves and breakers have swept over me." (Ps. 42:7)

When my family visited Niagara Falls thirteen years ago one my siblings made the comment the Niagara Falls are nothing compared the waterfalls at Stony Glen. Although I love my "camp falls" it was awesome to see the powerful Niagara Falls again!! 

And it was fun to have my kids share the experience! I did find a water fountain for Elia :). Hopefully we will be able to make the trip again when she can understand and enjoy the beauty of the falls!

Notice my little Alfalfa hairstyle haha

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Girl

I love my little girl! She brings so much joy and laughter to my life. She'll come up with the funniest sayings... I really should keep a little book so I don't forget the funny things. She has recently realized that my name is Brittany...since I babysit other kids she hears the little ones calling me "Miss Brittany". The other day she came running down our hallway calling "Miss Brittany! Miss Brittany!" And Saturday I was giving her and her buddy Niko some directions...what was the response? Elia: "Yes Brittany! "Niko: "Yes Mom!". Kids are just great! :) 

Elia has also been a refinement tool in my life. It's funny. You think you are a patient and kind person and then you get married! And some of those rough edges are sanded down and then you have kids! Wow! Talk about lessons in patience! I remember telling my sister that I was going to ask God to teach me patience when I had more time...when I realized what I had said we both started laughing. I guess NOW is the time to learn!

And recently I have noticed that God is using Elia to tune me in to his voice and his presence. When Elia wakes up in the morning I like to ask her about her dreams. This last month she had multiple dreams of "heaven and 'Papa Joe'". We have been praying for Elia's 'Papa Joe" for about almost a year. He had been battling cancer of the esophagus and passed away this weekend. It was like God had already told her that he was going to be in a safe place. This Sunday as we were getting ready for church Elia told  me that "Jesus was coming!"...It totally set my heart to expect a powerful encounter with the presence of God....and it was awesome! 

I'll love you forever baby girl!


Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Pioneer Women

Little House on the Prarie was one of my favorite series growing up. When we were little my mom would read the books to us before bed. Wednesday mornings were extra special because while my mom would go for her doctor's appointment (which seemed like a weekly occurance...10 kids in 14 years...) we would all snuggle up with my dad and watch the TV show. It all seemed like a fairy tale at that age. I would dream of living in those times. I remember being disapointed that the y2k crisis never came. I had hoped for a chance to live like a pioneer woman.

Every summer now, I get just a taste of what it would feel like to be Caroline Ingalls. This is my third year of gardening, and wow has my admiration for pioneer women soared!!! Thanks to a friend with a tractor we didn't have to rotatill (or should I say, Dad and Charles didn't have to rotatill). So my sisters and I, with the help of Elia began to dig our rows. By the time that was done it was time to feed Zeke. While I was with Zeke, my mom joined the girls and began planting tomatoes -36 plants this year! By the time I was done feeding the little man it was time to plant the bean, zucchini, yellow squash, and cucumber seeds. With so many hands helping, what would have taken one of us a day or two at least, was done in 4 hours!

 I garden because I love fresh green beans and homemade spaghetti sauce. But when I think of the pioneer was garden or die! It wasn't just a little side hobby! Imagine! Wake up, gather eggs, milk cows, start the stove/fire, cook breakfast, get water to clean the dishes...add in there caring for kids, nursing babies...laundry by hand! Plus cooking lunch and dinner from as "scratch" as it gets! Throw in gradening, sewing clothing and blankets, knitting socks ...the list goes on!!

I enjoy my little "pioneer woman" moments, but I must say I am so thankful for washing machines, grocery stores, and indoor plumbing!!

Tomato Plants!
Enjoying the dirt

Many hands make light work!

Screaming Zeke!

Full Belly...Happy Baby!